Tuesday, May 19, 2015

important announcement: I totally f.... up my blog!


I ruined the domain for this blog. I created a new blog. 
In the mean time I found back the old one but under a different name. 
Still I like the change. 
So from now on I am using my new blog!
You can still see my old posts, but only through my new blog (click under the titlebanner). 
Difficult? I certainly think so. 
But... just forget www.pasabyeyck.com and introduce www.mariskaeyck.com .

If you want to recieve an email everytime  I post a new blogpost you can go over to www.mariskaeyck.com and put your email adress in the special box on the left side of the screen, next to the most recent post.

Sorry for the inconvenience! 

Hoping to send you more art in the near future!

Best regards,


Saturday, April 18, 2015


Drawing for my book... 
When will it be finished? 
I don't know... 
I've only been working on it for 15 years or so? 
That is on and of..

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

today was a day of ...

today was a day of finding words in unexpected places, 
of finding bright red painted pieces of paper
on the floor of my studio and of playing 
with glue and photoshop...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

DADA en hoe maak ik (of jij) kunst van toeval...

Gisteren las ik in de DADA , mijn favoriete kunsttijdschrift (uitgegeven door Plint) over 'dada'. Dada was een kunststroming in het begin van de vorige eeuw (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada).

Geinspireerd door dada en de methodes die zij 
hanteerden maakte ik vanochtend het volgende gedicht:

en dit is weer gebaseerd op dit volledig willekeurige stukje tekst dat ik in mijn atelier vond:

Hoe een volkomen zielloze verzameling van woorden kan veranderen in kunst... dat is dus KUNST! 

Je kunt dit ook heel leuk doen met een programma dat ik op internet tegenkwam: Magnetic Poetry online.

Friday, March 20, 2015

jippy, it's the weekend!

I closed the door behind my last client of this week just now.
It's the beginning of the weekend and I quickly rebuild my private practice office into an art studio.
Not that I need another studio since I have a really big one in the attick.
But in the weekend and the evenings I want to create very close near my family members. So I invented a way to mystically transform my office downstairs into a studio. About 5 to 10 minutes of magic and tah-dah.... 
What a luxery in every sense: being in the same room as the ones I love and at the same time being able to do what I love the most, which is: drawing, painting, making art or something that is supposed to look like art.
Lucky happy me!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

a new print

the road

The road is a print of an abstract collage. 
We can look at our life as if it is a road.  
A road that is always colorful and surprising. 
This piece of art can be obtained with different backgrounds: oldfashioned brown wrappingpaper, deep dark red, grey or blue. 
You can put the work either horizontal or 
vertical on the wall.

prints of my work are available at 'werk aan de muur'

Friday, March 13, 2015



Spring is here
Find a nice bench
Watch the flowers
See the grass grow

Sometimes it is best to do nothing
But sit, watch, listen…
It may not solve your problems right away
But then… at least you have the flowers
And through them
You can feel the springtime entering your soul

Refreshing your ever running thinking mind

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Saturday, January 10, 2015

talk, write, draw, scream!
don't use violence to 'solve' your conflicts

I wish Paris 7-9 january 2015 to be the last time