Wednesday, March 9, 2011

embroidery-week, day 4, association

How do I work in my embroidery? Like with almost everything I do in my art, I start doodling. This means that I embroider lines and forms without any plan at all. I find these beautiful pieces of fabric, wonderful pieces of paper, some lace from an old bra. No matter what. Sewed on a larger piece of fabric everything becomes extremely beautiful and it gets a meaning. While I work images appear in my head. The lines take a more defined form. I see a fish, a house, a face.
The process is sometimes slow, tormenting or meditative. Sometimes I become inpatient. I grab some paint or use my sewing machine and work very fast. And then there is always that moment of reflection in which I find that one small corner in the piece of work that I want to stand out using the most beautiful stitches I know.

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